Wednesday, 31 August 2011

My life start as ....... student Forensic Accounting & Financial Criminology

Sekarang ni dalam mood raya lagi dan proses qada' tido... bak kata Abangku Fairuz... rumah ni katil dia haunted... dah landing mmg susah nak bangun... tidur 6 jam pun belum tentu puas...hahaha... Ok lah sebab kerja mengemas sinki dah selesai & cerita kat ASTRO teramatlah bosan, plus sekarang ni sessi mendaftar subjek, Ana ceritalah life ana sebagai student Master Forensic ni...

Sekarang ini ana telah berjaya melepasi 2 semester (dengan 2 paper yang Ana drop)... sebab Ana biayai study Ana dengan duit sendiri, Ana tak terikat mana-mana kontrak. Lagipun ambil mode part time memang susah nak dapat scholar... Nak ambil scholarship Sime Darby kena terikat 7 tahun dengan kerja dengan Sime Darby. Mengikut analysis dan perkiraan ekonomi....chewahhh... sebenarnya darah muda...Ana perlukan pengalaman luas dan bebas tanpa terikat mana-mana agensi...Yelah, mana tahu kot-kot nak bukak business sendiri (--> Extreme Sport Complex-->angan-angan Minah Jenin sebab belum ada kemampuan. Lain la kalau Donald Trump datang tolong )

Mula mendaftar diri sebagai student Master pun sebab takut tak dapat kerja. Mujur la pada awal itu pilih part-time setelah ditimbang semua kebaikan dan keburukan seperti susah nak dapat scholarship, yuran pengajian yang mahal bla bla bla... kebaikan pula aku boleh beri tumpukan pada kerja (kalau kerja la kalau tak aku ada banyak masa nak study walaupun tahu habis lambat)... Bila kita dah mulakan sesuatu kita kena habiskan...cepat atau lambat bukan lagi perkara penting buat aku sekarang ini seperti masa ambil degree dulu...

Belajar course ni memang best sebab lain daripada yang lain. Tambahan pula Ana suka tengok CSI cuma Ana tak pandai dalam subjek Kimia, Biologi atau Fizik...dapat C masa SPM... huhuhuhu... memang seronok bedah orang dan cari punca kematian tetapi ini pun best jugak. Kita bedah sifat dan akaun orang untuk cari punca ketamakan dan kerakusan... Ala, macam SPRM la (dulu dipanggil Badan Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia sekarang dah S tu bermaksud Suruhanjaya)... Kenapa Ana cakap macam tu... Secara asasnya tamak merupakan salah satu daripada 7 dosa (greed) hmm boleh juga dikaitkan dengan nafsu (lust)... Pernah tak kita fikir sekeping kertas yang kita boleh koyak, pijak dan bakar..pendek kata ia hanyalah sekeping kertas sahaja tetapi mempunyai nilai kuasa yang boleh mengubah sifat seseorang itu dari baik jadi tamak dan juga mungkin dari tamak jadi pemurah... Walaupun nilai wang itu kecil RM10 atau RM50 atau RM100 misalnya, kalau kita berapa disekumpulan manusia yang daif dan yang amat kelaparan macam zombie tu.. then kita kata nak beri RM10 pada seorang  yang berjaya menewaskan orang lain dan menjadi pemenang tunggal, apa yang akan berlaku lepas itu ... jeng jeng jeng....<--Ini memerlukan imaginasi tinggi sangat ni...

Ok lah tak perlu imaginasi tinggi... tengok dan baca kejadian setahun dua yang lalu masa negara kita dikecohkan dengan Skim Khidmat Cepat Kaya = Skim Piramid = MLM... Berapa ramai yang tertipu kerana keinginan untuk kaya dan ramai yang menipu kerana ketamakan.... Sebut pasal MLM atau Skim Cepat Kaya atau yang seumpananya (sekarang ni dah advance...jual barang pulak tapi motif asal memang tak lari...paling teruk ada yang mengunakan nama Islam..Masyallah) bagaimana orang yang tiada duit tiba-tiba ada duit yang banyak untuk melabur... Ok lah dia simpan sikit-sikit kan... Jika dia boleh bersabar menyimpan selama 10 atau 20 tahun kenapa kesabaran dia boleh tergugat dengan janji-janji manis si penipu... Kita selalu dengar pepatah sikit-sikit lama jadi bukit, atau kesenangan tidak akan datang bergolek tanpa usaha yang disertakan dengan doa.... Yang jadi persoalan, orang yang dulu menasihati anak-anak muda yang masih mentah ini pula terjebak dengan skim-skim dari penipu ... Ok lah..ada yang berjaya melaui skim macam ni tapi berapa ramai yang berjaya? Yang pasti tidak boleh menandingi peratusan orang yang kecewa dan sedih (ada yang sanggup bunuh diri, pinjam kat Ah Long) sebab penipuan skim macam ini... (ayat panjang-panjang ini Ana guna masa interview Master dulu)

Masa Ana semester satu ada satu subjek yang Ana suka. Subjek tu secara teorinya menceritakan kenapa fraud atau penyelewengan boleh berlaku. Kadang-kadang ia berlaku pada orang yang kita tidak sangka dan nampak baik, alim, rajin dan semua benda positif la yang kita nampak. Sebab itu kita jangan nilai orang dari luar. Dont judge the book by its cover. Fraud Triangle, salah satu teori kenapa orang  buat penyelewengan. 

Ana guna teori ini untuk impress interviewer masa interview GCAD Sime Darby  (tak ingat nama penuh GCAD tu) tapi tak lepas masa 2nd interview sebab sibuk dengan Sime Darby LPGA (Ladies Professional Golf Associate) --> Masa dalam MAP...

Ada hikmah tak berjaya sebab akhirnya Ana di absorb jugak ke dalam Sime Darby... dan Ana mengambil peluang ini untuk belajar Finance sambil mengaplikasikan code of conduct (off topic jap)...(Interviewer yang 1st tu memang impress la.. tu baru bab 1 tu... pastu cerita sikit pasal whistle-blowing sikit...terkagum gak interviewer tu)... Kiranya subjek ini membolehkan Ana nak pergi mana-mana pun. Dengan ketidak berjayaan Ana dalam interview itu, Ana menjangkakan dengan pengalaman 3 tahun bekerja nanti + MIA bukan missing in action yer, Malaysia Accountant (kira macam accountant bertauliah la) + Master in Forensic Accounting..fuhh...cakap la..campak kat mana-mana pun boleh... tapi my next plan ialah nak ambil exam AMLA pulak (Anti-Money Laundering) atau sekarang ini dikenali sebagai AMLATFA (Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorism Financial Act)...fuhh..kerja tangkap penganas pulak... Buktinya Ana berjaya dalam interview dengan Citibank...kiranya dengan memiliki Master in Forensic Accounting, I put myself 2 steps further compare other candidate (agak nya lah) sebab Ana tahu Ana tak boleh lawan mereka yang ambil Finance atau Banking time tu dengan Degree in Accountancy (Hons)... So pas ni nak keje ngan government SPRM tu ker, Jabatan Audit Negara ker, public listed ker...polis ker (tak dapat kot sebab tak cukup tinggi dan tak cukup berat badan) ...tah-tah law firm pun boleh...Just show me how much you can offer... (budget keje bagus ni)..

Just for your basic information about AMLA nie... AMLA terbahagi kepada 3 stages...dalam bahasa Inggeris lagi senag faham sebab belajar dalam bahasa Inggeris...hehehe

PLACEMENT (Moving the money from the scene of crime) --> The stage when illegal proceeds placed into the financial system.
Contohnya ....
- smuggling of currency in bulk;
- mixing illicit proceeds with legitimate funds;
- depositing cash in small amount

LAYERING (Disguising the trail) --> The separation of illicit proceeds that disguise audit trails and anonymous transaction.
Contohnya multiple transfers of money, multiple transactions, payment of fake invoices and buying or selling of the same goods.

INTEGRATION (Making the cash available to the criminals) --> Laundered proceeds are successfully integrated into economy as legitimate funds, such as trading involves invoice manipulation to remit money abroad, buying properties and engaging in legal business.

Summary kat atas tu...Placement tu macam kita jual dadah (dah jadi crime kan) pastu kita dapat untung banyak.. (macam dalam cerita Evolusi KL Drift tu, Joe tu marah sebab Syamsul bgtau polis location diaorg buat bila kena serbu xde la income kan)... Bila dapat duit banyak...orang jahat tu pun fikir macamana nk bawak duit yang banyak tu... tu yang jadi penyeludupan ker dia mix dengan duit yang halal ker atau yang amik rasuah tu dia masuk kat akaun anak dia yang belajar oversea ker.. lebih kurang macam tu la...pendek kata macamana dia nak bawak duit haram tu lah nama dia placement... Bila dia dah jumpa apa kaedah nak bawak duit haram tu, orang jahat tu kena pikir macamana nak bagi orang keliru yang duit tu haram...kira macam orang yang menipu ni, dia pun putar belit la cerita pastu orang pun jadi tak faham pastu orang tu dah pening pastu dia lepaskan la...bila orang jahat tu dah lepas maka jadilah duit yang haram tu menjadi halal dalam sistem ekonomi... sebab tu la nama dia launder...basuh..macam basuh baju...kita basuh baju kotor (duit haram) jadi bersih (duit yang sah di sisi undang-undang)... Cerita panjang-panjang pasal AMLA ni ada yang faham ke? Apapun banyak dah orang buat cerita pasal AMLA. Contoh terbaik cerita Tamil tu- xingat nama hero dia tapi tajuk dia Hawala. Ala-ala cerita Robin Hood... orang kata cerita dia best...

Ini adalah cabaran bagi pegawai AMLATFA sebab susah nk jejak duit haram ni disebabkan proses layering itu sendiri... Ni belum masuk terrorism lagi ni atau reverse money laundering...konfom lagi pening kan tapi ia sangat menarik untuk dibaca dan belajar...

Informatif betul entry kali ini...tapi inilah apa yang Ana alami dan rasai... Baru habis 6 subjek tapi dah macam-macam yang Ana belajar (sangat bagus digunakan dalam interview)... tu belum sambung PHD lagi tu... Nampak susah dan jauh perjalanan tapi Insyallah...semuanya akan membuahkan hasil dan Insyallah one day Ana akan jadi bukan sebarangan orang..(harap-harap teori Fraud Triangle tu tak berlaku kat Ana...Insyallah...)


  1. utk msk master in forensik acc nie, perlu ada interview ka??

    1. Ada... tapi jgn risau pasal interview tu...anggap jer sebagai sessi perkenalan... nnt interviewer tu tanya kenapa nak ambil paper ni pastu nanti nak kena buat research, so apa tajuk research yang nak buat tu nanti

  2. berapa pointer dia nak..susah tak

  3. kebiasaannyer course ini nk tgk working experience.... klu pasal pointer, kebiasaannyer minimum 2.5 atau 2.75.... nk kata susah tu terpulang pada kemampuan masing2... ada byk artikel nk kena baca dan every paper ada group presentation.... klu nk check requirement leh tgk kat

  4. hehehe..nak tnyala..berapa yuran 1 semester ye...

  5. Macam Ana, Ana ambil Master part time.. so mahal sikit kalau compare dgn student yang ambil full time... Satu semester boleh ambil 4 paper (12 jam kredit) dan yuran lebih kurang RM4000+... so satu paper lebih kurang RM1000+... Harap membantu :-D

    1. oh begitu...terima kasih,sangat2 membantu.. :)

  6. salam dulu akak amek kos apa? saya graduate jurusan sains forensik UKM. saya nk mohon tapi xtau cmne. kena bli no pin dlu ke?

    1. Akak dulu amik degree in Accounting... boleh check kat website

      yup.. kena beli no pin~ tak ingat brape bayaran dia utk no pin kat bsn tu...huhuhuh

  7. hai. I am currently pursuing my ACCA studies, in foundation level. quite interested lah dengan forensic accounting. I googled forensic accounting in malaysia then found your blog. Good entry. you helped me generate more understanding on this field. What would you advise to me selepas habiskan ACCA, then gain my working experience for 3 years ? ;D

    1. I have a few notes 4 u.

      1) congrates for pursuing ACCA, not all malays (i assume u r by ur name) will take the challenge of ACCA (ada but not many), hope you are completing soon.

      2) ask urself why u want to take MSc in Forensic Accounting? what are your targets and dreams? must know 1st, not just because it sounds interesting or the pay of it is "ka ching2" after u have the qualification.

      3) actually, with ACCA itself u are already will be demanded by firms or companies in malaysia and even overseas.

      4) in my opinion, after ACCA, u should gain experience in audit firms 1st atleast for 3 years, to get ur ACCA and MIA qualification i.e. ---> Masturah binti Xyz, CA(M), ACCA or for 6 years to qualify as Fellow member (FCCA). working in audit field, u can gain all the audit experience you can grab while u r there. this is essential if you really are interested in doing forensic since audit field exposes you to accounting standards, auditing standards, and accounting transactions from various clients and u will be able to understand the nature of different accounting treatments. then, u can pursue forensic accounting and even apply a job in Securities Commission (they usually want at least 3 years audit experience to take as a junior position).

      5) You have to bear in mind that, forensic accounting in malaysia is not like "goreng pisang panas" where it is more demanded overseas. my previous lecturer has a forensic accounting firm in KL, and he says that, all his clients are from outside malaysia.

      6) I used to work in the internal audit department for an advisory firm, trust me, auditing the processes, Standard operating procedures (SOPs) of a company, trailing back documents is not easy. and forensic accounting is more than this since it's kind of special auditing and you need a hugh amount of experience to even know which part of the accounting is fraud or material by just looking at it.

      8) my friends says that, being forensic auditors, u need fast cars, since client will chase you like crazy (don't mean to scare u). don't put off to pursuing forensic accounting by reading my comments but, do think through before making any decisions. u just won't believe what kind of people you will meet out there, and they are scary people!

      8) i should say, i'm ur ACCA senior. i'm currently studying part-time ACCA and working full-time in an audit firm (actually next to sime darby :P).

      9) sorry and thanks to this blog's owner. tompang komen panjang2 :)

      10) both of u, all the best.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. wow. I was like .. damn it. yeah like you said, I could be thinking this forensic accountant thingy is something cool or that ka-ching ka-ching profession. but the truth is, it is more like my dream/target. I once had a dream being a detective or a CSI agent ;p I acknowledged that forensic accountant is like a detective in financial crimes. I like accounting. but when I got to know about forensic accounting, I was like "Yeah finally ! I found my dream job !"

      and my target isn't applying for Msc in Forensic Accounting after ACCA. but I was told that it is required for someone to be qualified for Certified Fraud Examiner if he wanted to be a forensic accountant ?

      so it is crucial for me to gain experience in audit field in order to pursue with the forensic accounting. I had do some research about the job demand in malaysia and yes it is not like 'pisang goreng panas'. idk if maybe someday I would change my mind instead. Allahualam ;)

      I'll take your words. I'll complete my ACCA no later than 4 years from now insyaAllah.

      till then, thank you very much, sir/miss ? haha

    4. good for u :) i guess it's okay since it's ur dream, then just go for it. i think with ACCA u can work overseas and pursue ur forensic dreams :)

      its just that, u have to understand, being forensic accountant / auditor means a very high risk profession, in terms of life threat, i mean. forensic accountant usually will become the witness in court, let say, if u found some money laundering in a certain company, then u have to present the facts of the crime committed to the court. being said that, criminals won't just let you go just like that, if they don't get u, they'll get ur family. if u know what i mean :)

      when i was auditing (internal audit) a company in johor sometime ago, i met with a manager who knows 'creative accounting' and he was so cocky about it, and he even said, "alaa auditor, kacang je korang ni". then he laughed. and some of the companies projects, even the sultan of johor was involved with it, and there's ahli politics too who were involved in their activities. my friend said that, i should of whistle blower them, then again, what evidence do i have against them? the only fraud we found was, some invoices were stamped with some other company's stamps, meaning, is the invoices really valid? or is it made purposely to issue an 'fake' invoices for their activities? you know what, after that, i was really scare of the world, being an auditor and all..ahaha~ in studies, it's easy to say "accountants have to be ethical, must have integrity", but in real life, it's easier said than done. that's why my audit lecturer once said, "don't audit too much, u might find something u don't want".

      i don't about Certified Fraud Examiner. but i do know that, if u have Master in Forensic Accounting, and working in an audit / advisory firm, u can become forensic accountant/consultant, and perform special audit for clients when requested.

      yeah, i love CSI too. but truthfully, the world is a scary place. i don't want to be chased around by criminals, that's why i said u need fast cars :) maybe i wouldn't mind buying fast cars, haha~ but i'm scared they go after my family. then, any jobs related to catching criminals, " sir", even if i get paid hugh salary.

      yup. just finish ur ACCA first, there's still plenty of time to think it through. there's many to choose from actually, there's tax, audit, accounting, internal auditing, accounting in a listed co, consultancy and more. u're still young right? what are u, 19 or 20 years old? :)

      -mr. hansuke-

    5. emm about the life threat .. I thought about it once. I imagined myself being chased by bad people like in the movies, tv shows. but wait, you said "the world is a scary place". the world indeed a scary place, I couldn't agree more with you. and about the sultan and some politicians 'fraud-thingy', wow. if someone proceed to audit or investigate about it, that would be risky. ya life threat isn't it ?

      no worries, like you said I still have plenty of time to 'build up' my future. I'll aim for the best that is to pass my ACCA and then get the experience !

      one thing. I don't hope to be an accountant who deals with taxes or anything that would make it a boring job :/ for the whole of my life. some of my friends wanted to be one, they would prefer to stay in the office with the air-conditioner swept off their sweat. well I don't think like some of my friends do because life is an adventure !

      however I am really sure that I need to learn more. it's easy for me to say everything what exactly I thought about forensic accounting. but when it comes to real life, can I handle the truth ? haha banyak cakap k lol
      Thank you, sir. You helped me a lot regarding forensic accounting. I'm sure you must be doing very well in your exams in uni or even ACCA :D

      I'm 19 btw, and fyi mr.hansuke and ms.Ana, if I pass my foundation level with flying colours, I will be able to further my ACCA studies at UK. pray for me and my friends !

      till then,
      *sorry for the terrible english*

    6. ACCA in the UK eh? sounds fun :) well, i'm not clever enough to be sponsored overseas. just once lived there (in Scotland) when my late-dad did his masters and phd, we stayed there for quite sometime, when to primary and secondary school and all. UK is a great place to live in, the people, the culture is just amazing (ada la skit2 racism, tu biasa la :P), but overall, u should study hard, then go!!! :)

      all the best to u!! just pray a lot, u'll do great. i'm actually working in BDO (if u know what that is?. lol.) hopefully i'll have audit work in london soon (giler berharap, haha~). then i can smell the British air again (InshaAllah :D) or go to one of the football match, oh how i wish! one day. lol~

      no worries about ur english, setahun dua kat sana, cair la english tu, inshaAllah :)

      good luck.

    7. oh yea I know BDO, an accounting firm kan ? ya hopefully. I'm putting so much efforts to improve my english hikhok.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi masturah
    Wish you all the best for your ACCA... Enjoy & hv :-D

    Hi hansuke
    Thank you for sharing your opinion & experience... Really appreciate.. :-D

    1. haha thank you sis ! if you keep updating about forensic accounting, that would be great :D

  10. kak,akak amik forensic acc ni kat u mane?

  11. Salam
    How to join GCAD. I used to work with sime darby as a process engineer. Now, I'm interested to join GCAD.


  12. Hi I was searching forensic accounting online and I found your blog. I am actually looking for someone who can do a training or seminar for forensic accounting. If you know someone pls. contact me at 0163144240

  13. HI, could you mind if I ask about ACCA. When should I apply for ACCA programme in UiTM?

  14. Hye kak.just read ur entry..even dh lme entry ni..just wanna ask ur opinions..course ni blh x klu nak jdy lecturer ..actually sy mmg minat gle course ni..even during my degree taking forensic subject as an elective subject..which is better kak..master in accountancy or master in forensic accounting

    1. haiiii, even dah lama. just nak tanya, awak sambung master accounting or forensic accounting ya? sbb saya pun tgh confius ni nak sambung mana satu 😂

  15. Kalau nk apply, tp takde degree tp tgh pursue ACCA. JD kne tunggu hbis ACCA baru pursue master Ni ke atau hnya perlu pass certain subject dlmm ACCA tak perlu tunggu hbis ACCA.

  16. Assalamualaikum kak, nak Tanya akk Sekrang ni kiranya dah bole digelar akauntan forensic kan. Sorry sbb saya x faham Sgt. Saya baru 16 tahun. Kalau akk merupakan seorang akauntan forensic bole x saya nak interview akk. Sbb saya kene buat folio kerjaya saya untuk memudahkan pemilihan universities dan lain lain lagi. Di sekolah saya saya ambil bidang akauntan Tapi saya masih keliru untuk pilih bidang kerjaya saya. Ketika saya search online didalam Google saya terjumpa mengenai forensic accounting ni. Saya rasa bidang ini menarik. Oleh itu saya perlu interview org yg terlibat dalam bidang ini. Kalau tidak keberatan.

  17. Assalam senior forensic account..kalau tak keberatan bole provide notes utk course ni?sy baru dpt tawaran master forensic acc dri uitm.. email sy

  18. Assalam author, just wonder what are you doing for now after you completed your master in forensic accounting? What is career that we can pursue in real life after complete this master.
